READ TIME: 3 Minutes
Ok....let's get into it, shall we? First of definitions.
Creative blocks are periods where reduced creative thinking and productivity occur. These blocks can happen at any stage of a project. Those going through a creative block face difficulties as they try to generate new ideas or execute existing ideas creatively.
This stage can always seem quite random but it can actually be an accumulation of events that have lead up to this point.
Some examples being:
- Depleted energy
- Stress
- Fear of failing
- Lack of inspiration
Sometimes we struggle to find inspiration, and we may end up feeling disconnected from the creative process. Things may seem flat and uninspiring. Something that can contribute to this block is a lack of exposure to diverse sources of inspiration or a stagnant environment.
Often people think that examining their competitors in detail will revive their inspiration and help them up and running, but I am here to tell you why this isn't the option you want to take. Don't get me wrong, doing your SWOT analysis is highly recommended but ensure it stays as an analysis and doesn't transcend into "Because this company is doing this I now need to do this too to go viral or get customers."
Watching over brands for inspiration can be detrimental because it can lead to imitation rather than innovation. Constantly looking to established brands may cause you to subconsciously mimic their styles, ideas, and strategies, which blocks original thinking and can lead to a lack of personal or brand identity.
This lack of individuality can make it difficult to stand out in a saturated market, as your community will be seeking authentic and original experiences. So while seeking inspiration is natural, over-reliance on brands can undermine the development of a recognisable identity you are looking to create.
Remember that going through any sort of block is a personal experience to you. Don't try and rush yourself out of it. I would recommend reflecting on this block, try detecting the events that took place that may have lead to this moment. Give yourself grace, chances are you may be burnt out and require REST. Physical & mental breaks! You are allowed and are deserving of a break, so even if you haven't experienced this block, ensure you take regular breaks to lower your chances of having to experience this.
Try engaging in different activities, this could also stimulate new ideas. When you're ready set yourself small and manageable goals to reduce pressure. Exploring & working from a new environment can help this block. Also try creating without judgment, I am a perfectionist and tend to over criticise my own work which delays the work I want to put out.
By adopting some of these approaches, you can navigate through periods of creative stagnation and rediscover your potential.
When you are ready to create something make sure that is not a copy of someone else’s work.
If you want to create a brand that is rememberable, then tap back into WHY you started it.